Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm a major fan of online shopping, you know, because I don't get out much, and I wanted to share my favorite sites with my readers.

1) IDEELI--this is one of those invite only sample sale sites, but I love them. They have all kinds of stuff, and have RANDOM "red" sales where I get clothes for less than $10. Also, they have some nicer upscale stuff, such as Burberry or Gucci very regularly. You can check it out here....
PS. they are having an AWESOME bag sale in the next few days...

2) Hautelook. Another invite only website. I like them because they also have some cool cosmetics companies like Urban Decay and Lorac for at least 75% off. I also buy all my winter coats from them too.
Check it.....http://www.hautelook.com/short/20ufI

3) I-ella.com. This place is really cool, like an ebay for fancy girls such as myself. I sell some clothes on there, but the majority of the time I just buy. I get some great vintage stuff, and I recently got a Philip Lim formal dress for under $50.

4)ASOS.com--this place has the prices of Forever 21, with better quality, more selection and stuff that actually fits me (runs on size). Best of all, they have free shipping ALL THE TIME.

5)Ebay.com--this is where I find my random, hard to find stuff like Stubbs&Wootton and the like.

6) Amazon.com/beauty--This is where I stock up on my essentials such as face creams I've used for years or my signature perfume. I can usually get some pretty sweet deals this way.

Shop it out.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Anna Wintour

Anna, I know the feeling, like every day.

Leopard in Pants

So, I imagine when you see the words "Leopard in Pants" you imagine something like this.

Well, girl you are cray-cray, because that's not what I'm thinking at all.

All I want is a nice pair of leopard print pants!

Such as these Roberto Cavalli Satin things

MAybe some Harem Pants would do the trick?

But mostly, I'd like a simple, cheap and comfortable pair of jeans. With a leopard motif.

As usual, click on the photos if you're interested in purchasing....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Loafin' Around

Yes, I know I haven't posted in awhile and deal with it I'm sorry.

ALMOST a year ago, I called the fact that smoking loafers were going to be oh so in this season.

I'd like to call this little section the I told you so section.

And now for your viewing pleasure, the ONLY shoes I will be wearing for the next few months.

Rebecca Minkoff. Clicky Clicky the photos to buy-ey bu-ey.

Its not a real shoe if its not leopard.... J. Crew.

And the Pièce de résistance for all you cat ladies such as myself out there. SCAREDY CAT LOAFERS. They also come in Alien print. Tibi.

Remember, don't wear these with a smoking jacket if you don't want to look like Hugh Hefner.

And no one really wants to look like Hugh Hefner.

Just sayin'

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Swedish Fashion

So, I'm Swedish (as if you didn't already know), and I feel like honoring my heritage.

I love Swedish style because deep down, beneath all my feathers, fur and velvet I'm a minimalist. That's what the Scandinavian aesthetic is all about.

Black and White ensemble (probably can't be worn in the cold-as-shit-ninety-percent-of-the-time Scandinavian climate.)

I love, love, love black on beige.
Tiger of Sweden

I am so effing glad I bought that leather shirt at the end of last year.

Remember, less is more. Unless we're talking about men...

Adjö, Sweedes!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shit I love...Mad Men for Banana Republic

Although it probably isn't the most feminist piece of television out there, I love Mad Men.

I think I may love Mad Men less for the screwed up personalities of the characters, and more for the fashion in the show.

Which is why I am pleased as punch to share the Mad Men collection at Banana Republic with all my readers.

(You're going to have to click on the photo to enlarge)

Personally, I love the sunglasses, the red lipstick, the leopard bag, the leopard coat and the cigarette pants. And, although I have been known to wear some '50's style house-wifey dresses, there is no way in hell I'm going to be waiting at home and having dinner on the table at five for any man.

So don't even think about it.

I'm so glad....

...that they finally made a barbie doll of me.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Hiatus is O.V.E.R!

Hello Readers!

I know I've been disappointing with my lack of posts, but I'm here to say that my brief, and by brief I mean four month, hiatus is over.

And now, for a list of stuff I feel the need to buy for fall.

First, a watch, you know, the kind you tell time with.

I like this one, because its pretty timeless. I already have a leather strap, so what I need now is a link one. And, I think that the metal ones are so.....blah.

Since I go to school where the weather is...less than spectacular, I also need a raincoat. My lovely mother got me this red one from Michael Kors.


Finally, the big thing that I'm trying to invest in, is a cape-style one shoulder dress. This will release my inner superhero.

This one, I've tried on in red. Its pretty bossy. I can imagine myself opening the door to my fancy pants house with a HUGE cocktail in my hand. Fantasize much?

Remember, if you want to but these items A.K.A. Copy me just clicky clicky on the photo....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If I had Unlimited Money...

First of all, my sincerest apologies. I have been working like a dog hard these past few days, as it is the finals season at this fancypants liberal arts college. You know, the time when all of your work gets dumped on you at once.


...a girl still has time to dream. And if I could wear whatever the hell I wanted today, it would be this little ensemble.

I think this would look pretty bossy. Which it had better, because this look would cost someone the GRAND total of...


Or, almost half a year's rent. This is why I don't shop for real real.

But, keep it real real folks.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Motherland!

Some of you who know me must know about my sojourns into Africa, the motherland of civilization. (Those of you laughing at me now can google that shit) But anyway, I bought a bunch of stuff in Cape Town, thinking I would really stand out from the crowd and be one of those hip travelers.


Africa is cool now. Thanks Vogue, for ruining my tiny speck of individuality. I can, however regain my coolness by showing my readers cool African-inspired goods to shop for.

Lets start out with something predictable, like these cool bangles from some rando on Etsy. Like them? Buy those suckers here.

Sorry for the quality of the photo, but these pants are perfect for my not-so-pretty days. Oh, and they're from Chico's which totally add the mom factor in as well!

And to top it all off, a high-waisted, foopa-highlighting bikini in a bossy African Print. This can be found at bantuwax.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I know I'm a douche

I know I'm a douche for not writing in a week. I didn't even have a ton of work to use as an excuse. Instead I was having my very own lost week you know, like a big party week. I was going to write my newest blog post about my dream concert, Coachella, which was this past weekend. But, seeing as like 99% of the bloggers and other fashion sources wrote about the same shit, I'm going to one-up them.

Since I'm so sassy, I'm going to cover The Burning Man Festival instead.

Is the Burning Man Festival a place to see and be seen by all sorts of cool people. Hells no. But, this is a place out in the desert where people having a mind-blowingly good time. DRUGS

So here's some cute little gems for one of the wildest conerts out there. If you ever attend Burning Man, I'm sure you'll be running around naked rather than judging everyone's ensembles but hey, thats just my opinion.

Cupcakes are so hot right now

I spy a BOWTIE

I'm a pretty big fan of Avatar, too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sasshionistas Unite against Ungentlemanly Costuming

Those of us Sasshionistas that have to interact with men on a regular basis may have found that the male wardrobe has been lacking as of late.

If you want to find some less shady journalism on the subject, feel free to check a more legitimate source out here.

For those of you who have more faith in my judgement, keep reading.

As some of you may well know, some of my favorite clothing is inspired by menswear. Nevertheless, I certainly admire a fellow who can at least pull off the look of being a gentleman.

Example A) Tom Ford, otherwise known as the only gay man in the world I wish was straight.
A velvet smoking jacket, cufflinks, pocketsquare AND a bowtie? Too good to be true. I need a cold shower.

Example B) Hamish Bowles. Another gay man, my tears of frustration will never end but I'm fine with that.
I think this fellow is my spirit animal. What's yours?

Example C) Last but not least, my favorite male diva, and certainly a man who has turned from the dark side to that side of style is...

Kanye West, I love this man. His change from big jewelry to his Rosewood Movement makes me swoon. This guy can wear Dior Homme like no one else.

The man is slowly becoming a style icon, and I truly admire his aesthetic.

If your man, or others you know are not costuming themselves with gentlemanly conduct, take a page out of my book and follow Listen Up Lady on Twitter.

Or,even better, follow me on Twitter. Have your mind blown.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1990s-Fresh Again

I was born in the 1990s, which already makes the decade bossy, but A major trend we've been seeing lately in fashion is that the nineties are back. I also decided to blog this post when Will Smith's Summertime shuffled into my ipod's playlist today. Relevant?


The nineties were a time of many trends, including but not limited to grunge, bright colors, power suits and presidential sex scandals.

This 90s shit wasn't always sassy. We need to wade through the muck to get to the good stuff.Some ladies actually regressed back to wearing pioneer-esque crap.


I try and keep it fresh, so here are some gems I've discovered to bring back the good ol' days, like my toddler-hood and awkward elementary school days.


This parka changes color with body heat. Day-Glow tee shirts anyone? I know American Apparel sells them....but its just not the same unless its been ruined by your mom drying it several times.

Bill Cosby PJ's. Oh yes please. And with the whole "Bedroom wear is hot now" trend, I could wear it to the club and such.

The brightly colored powersuit. My favorite. How could I be a raging feminist bitch without it?

Keep it real, peeps.

A True Sasshionista

Last night I heard Madeline Albright speak about the Middle East, and I must say that woman is exactly what every Sasshionista should aspire to be like in life.

This woman is wise, cofident and in control of herself, and in her honor, I bring you this look.

Check out those PINS

Remember, if you want to buy something just click on it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What I Wore: Verkin' It!

Fun Fact about me, I am TIPS trained, so I'm practically a bartender.

This isn't just a random fact. Its actually going to come in pretty handy later. And by later I mean Now.

Okay, so I was all set to take a chill pill last evening and read until I fell asleep. Then, a friend of mine called me up with an opportunity to get paid CA$H MONEY$ by serving beer at her party. Obviously, I took the opportunity.

And, with that opportunity, I give you one of my favorite outfits!

I have a math equation for this outfit.
Topknot+Big Earrings+Paisley X Sequins=
The most compliments I have ever received on one single ensemble.

Also, the shirt is vintage so You can't have it

So, next time you get dressed, remember this rule of thumb. Anything + Sequins = good.

This rule does not apply to small animals or children below the age of five.

What I wore: The First Day of Mild Weather

First of all, my sincerest apologies for my hiatus from updating this week. I was suffering from what many college students call hell week a stressful work period.


I'm not sure how many weather junkies there are out there, but as you may know, the weather in New England has sucked as of late.

So, when the first hint of warm weather arrived, I had an outrageous outfit planned.

Look at me, I'm Almost Famous

I scored this vintage maxi skirt at a nice second hand shop in Boston. The sheer, dolman-sleeve top, which I got a lot of crap for wearing, is Millau and from LF. The aviators are Ray Ban, and borrowed from my roommate to cover my lack of makeup/disguise my identity.

The sandals, I stole from my sister.
Thanks, sis!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another reason to wear bowties. The Look: Creeper

A week or so ago, I blogged this little gem about my passion for crossdressing wearing bowties.

Recently, I attended a Halloween in March party-shindig.

SUCH a good reason to wear a bowtie

Here was my costume, pardon the hair, it was snowing in March in Boston and all....

Have you guessed who I am yet?

Oh, just Pee-Wee Herman, bowtie aficionado / creeper of the century.

If ya'll need some creeper lessons, just watch this

Keep it creepy, folks!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Inspired By: Drag Shows

I'm attending my first drag show tonight, and as an homage to those fierce ladies who will perform for me, I put a look together to honor Rupaul, the sassiest of all drag queens. (Not to mention a doppleganger of Tyra Banks)

Anyway, check out the look below to inspire your fierceness to new heights. As always, click on the goods to see where they come from or how to buy them. Unless you're trying to buy Rupaul, and in that case, she's not for sale