Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sasshionistas Unite against Ungentlemanly Costuming

Those of us Sasshionistas that have to interact with men on a regular basis may have found that the male wardrobe has been lacking as of late.

If you want to find some less shady journalism on the subject, feel free to check a more legitimate source out here.

For those of you who have more faith in my judgement, keep reading.

As some of you may well know, some of my favorite clothing is inspired by menswear. Nevertheless, I certainly admire a fellow who can at least pull off the look of being a gentleman.

Example A) Tom Ford, otherwise known as the only gay man in the world I wish was straight.
A velvet smoking jacket, cufflinks, pocketsquare AND a bowtie? Too good to be true. I need a cold shower.

Example B) Hamish Bowles. Another gay man, my tears of frustration will never end but I'm fine with that.
I think this fellow is my spirit animal. What's yours?

Example C) Last but not least, my favorite male diva, and certainly a man who has turned from the dark side to that side of style is...

Kanye West, I love this man. His change from big jewelry to his Rosewood Movement makes me swoon. This guy can wear Dior Homme like no one else.

The man is slowly becoming a style icon, and I truly admire his aesthetic.

If your man, or others you know are not costuming themselves with gentlemanly conduct, take a page out of my book and follow Listen Up Lady on Twitter.

Or,even better, follow me on Twitter. Have your mind blown.


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