Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1990s-Fresh Again

I was born in the 1990s, which already makes the decade bossy, but A major trend we've been seeing lately in fashion is that the nineties are back. I also decided to blog this post when Will Smith's Summertime shuffled into my ipod's playlist today. Relevant?


The nineties were a time of many trends, including but not limited to grunge, bright colors, power suits and presidential sex scandals.

This 90s shit wasn't always sassy. We need to wade through the muck to get to the good stuff.Some ladies actually regressed back to wearing pioneer-esque crap.


I try and keep it fresh, so here are some gems I've discovered to bring back the good ol' days, like my toddler-hood and awkward elementary school days.


This parka changes color with body heat. Day-Glow tee shirts anyone? I know American Apparel sells them....but its just not the same unless its been ruined by your mom drying it several times.

Bill Cosby PJ's. Oh yes please. And with the whole "Bedroom wear is hot now" trend, I could wear it to the club and such.

The brightly colored powersuit. My favorite. How could I be a raging feminist bitch without it?

Keep it real, peeps.

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