Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shit I love...Mad Men for Banana Republic

Although it probably isn't the most feminist piece of television out there, I love Mad Men.

I think I may love Mad Men less for the screwed up personalities of the characters, and more for the fashion in the show.

Which is why I am pleased as punch to share the Mad Men collection at Banana Republic with all my readers.

(You're going to have to click on the photo to enlarge)

Personally, I love the sunglasses, the red lipstick, the leopard bag, the leopard coat and the cigarette pants. And, although I have been known to wear some '50's style house-wifey dresses, there is no way in hell I'm going to be waiting at home and having dinner on the table at five for any man.

So don't even think about it.

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